Senin, 08 November 2010

Hate you love by Super Junior --> translate

I want to hate you
Seeing you happy with another person
I’m tired of it
I had to send you away
Without you knowing why
It happened so long ago
He feelings are probably all gone now

*I tried so hard to forgot you
But I can’t help it that its impossible too
Please next to my side
**Nothing’s changed except that I’m alone
I tried to believe that
I would fine another love
But now it’s even hard to breath
My sorrow over you
Keeps getting bigger and bigger
I just can’t seem to erase you from my head

I want to hate you
I’m tried of watching you
Pretending that you’ve forgotten me
Living each day
Without any strength
I hate myself for it
I try my best to change
But it just won’t


I want going to send you away
Without any grudges
I believed that I’d be able to take the pain
But it just keeps getting deeper
This sorrow
I can’t withstand this anymore
I’m disliking you more and more…


Sabtu, 06 November 2010

Orang Munafik

Al munaafiqun ayat 4 :
“apabila kamu melihat mereka, tubuh-tubuh mereka menjadikan kamu kagum. Dan jika mereka berkata kamu mendengarkan perkataan mereka. mereka seakan-akan kayu yang tersandar. Mereka mengira bahwa tiap-tiap teriakan yang keras ditujukan kepada mereka. mereka itulah musuh yang sebenarnya maka waspadalah terhadap mereka; semoga Allah membinasakan mereka. bagaimanakah mereka sampai dipalingkan dari kebenaran?”

Kayu yang tersandar, maksudnya adalah untuk menyatakan sifat mereka yang jelek meskipun tubuh mereka bagus-bagus dan mereka pandai berbicara tetapi otak mereka kosong tidak dapat memahami kebenaran.